The transit procedure is a customs procedure which allows the movement of goods that don’t have the customs status of Community goods from one point to another within the customs territory of the Community.
The goods that are brought into the customs territory of the Community are subject to customs supervision from the time of their entry and remain under customs supervision as long as necessary.
Any person who assumes responsibility for the carriage of goods after the goods have entered the territory of the Community shall be responsible for the delivery of goods to a specified customs office.
One transit declaration includes shipment from one customs office of dispatch to one customs office of destination. One vehicle can be used for unloading at more destination customs offices.
To release the goods for transit the principal has to provide a guarantee which is sufficient to cover a customs debt that may arise.
The goods can not be released into the transit procedure until their identity is secured. The identity of the goods is ensured by customs seals or by sufficienty precise description of the goods in the customs declaration, with the approval of the customs office.
The transit procedure is considered completed and the obligations of the pricipal are considered fulfilled when the goods, prescribed documents and required information are submitted to the destination customs office.
For goods intended to be brought into the customs territory of the Community or taken out of it it is mandatory to lodge a summary declaration: entry summary declaration (ENS) or exit summary declaration (EXS). The summary declarations can be lodged independently or together with customs data using the NCTS system.
Our branch offices at the entrance/exit of the customs territory of the EU are: Ličko Petrovo Selo, Maljevac, Stara Gradiška, Slavonski Brod, Županja, Bajakovo, Zagreb Airport and at other border crossings in accordance with the needs of the client.